Recently they decided to start a little Etsy store and they've come up with the cutest brothers and sisters to my little monster! They'll even do custom orders if you send them a pair of your favorite (clean!) socks.

I'd like to introduce you to Margie, in Marie's own words: "Margie is white as snow with light turquoise and orange accents. Gerber just cast her in their new pumpkin monstermeals national ad and Monsters-R-Us wants Margie to be their new spokesmonster. But Margie's not letting all this monstermedia attention get to her. Margie is the real thing, down-to-earth, and sincere. She wants to use her fame to raise awareness to make a difference for young monsters in other parts of the world who aren't as fortunate as she is. She hopes one day to be the first monster president. We have faith in her, and we hope you will too."

And how cute is Harry! Marie says: "Harry's well, isn't it obvious? A Henderson! No, just kidding. He is our furriest monster though, and loves being pet and cuddled. A bit mischevious, he likes to play tricks, or try to anyways. But his large size (23 1/2")hinders him. He's kind of a clutz and always stumbling into or over something. He never wins at hide 'n seek because the other monsters always spot him right away! Where is a two foot monster supposed to hide anyways? The other monsters tease him and call him Shrek. When he gets upset about this we just tell him that his large size simply means there's more of him to love!"

So if you need a little someone to love – or a fun, handmade gift for someone you love – check out Sockmonsters, Inc.
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