From the moment you enter Pacific Crest Cottage, you're swept away to Paris with stop-overs in the Netherlands, Great Brittain and a few other choice European locales. All the visuals, scents and even music help transform the quaint coastal cottage into a vintage European treasure trove!

Traditional themes are bountiful, from Christmas angels, crosses and candlesticks, to easter bunnies, chicks and plenty of eggs and bird's nests. But you never feel overwhelmed by any particular holiday – these wonderful items are simply mixed in with other unique finds and functional items, such as an extensive selection of Caldrea cleaning products (my current fave is their dish soap liquid in Fragrance No. 1, lavender pine!)

And of course, there are plenty of nautical and ocean-inspired items, but they are tastefully sprinkled throughout the store so they don't detract from Joy's wonderful old-world feel. I spotted some starfish on a cement table outside and loved the mossy finish Mother Nature had added.

Joy's displays are usually color-coordinated and beg a look closer to find all the little treasures hidden within, like this darling little doll statue displayed under a glass cloche (top right) and a collection soft pink sea urchins and green moss in a hurricane glass (above).

Next time you find yourself at the northern Oregon Coast, plan to spend an hour or so at Joy's amazing cottage!
726 Pacific Way • Gearhart OR 97138 • 503.738.6560
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